Sheldon Filger Artistic Nude Photographer

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An artist's journey can sometimes begin under the most inauspicious of circumstances. Sheldon Filger's photographic odyssey began on September 11. Sitting in his mid-town Manhattan office when the World Trade Center was destroyed, he experienced the terror and loss. Initially, to cope with the tragedy, he photographed the improvised shrines to the dead. Seeking to transcend the ugliness of 9/11, he began photographing subjects whose beauty negated the pall that gripped New Yorkers. This led Filger to discover his calling as a photographer of the female nude, and later to publish his first novel King Of Bombs, a novel about Nuclear Terrorism.

Filger's nudes embody paradox. There is the simplicity of line confronted by the complexity of his compositions. However, originality is his defining trait. Filger is both celebratory of his subjects - the magnificence of the female form - and reflective of woman as object of ultimate beauty.

Filger uses traditional photographic methods, inspired by photographers such as Ansel Adams and Edward Weston. His arsenal does not include a single digital camera, but contains a 4x 5 view camera, medium format and 35 mm single and twin reflex cameras and rangefinders.

This is complemented by numerous lenses and skillful use of light. Technical skill alone, however, does not make art. The magic of Filger's images shows unique rapport with his subjects. The results are creative masterpieces, the signature of an artist dedicated to his craft, one with a passion for enabling the camera to see new levels of beauty through the artful study of the female nude.

Sheldon has published a book entitled "Erotic Book". In "Erotic Book," Sheldon Filger shares his insights with men and women who seek to have a more fulfilling understanding of female eroticism.

Sheldon Filger currently resides in Winnipeg, Canada.


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